Artist statement

development of my topics required me to move away from only painting
and include the third dimension into my artistic work. In the future, I
am planning more public works connected to space, such as
installations, or time, such as contemporary Art Video. I want to
explore the reactions of the passer-by and the impact that the messages
of my work may have on them.
temporary installations are very fleeting and only the pictures as
documentation stay. That is why I also plan to start working with
sculptures, which are much more permanent. I also want to explore more
about how Germany with its people and its contemporary art dealt with
the separation and subsequent reunification. One of my interests here
is about what problems and scars still have to be overcome. I will
further develop those ideas.
projects revolve around the exploration of humankind itself: human
behavior, feelings, and mind. My artwork is all interconnected, be it
painting, installation, or video-art. In the future I hope to
completely intertwine these different modes of art and use them all
together in objects. I see in much potential in Video Art - given the
omnipresence of the moving picture these days.
... more to come ...